D&d 5e npc stat block template
D&d 5e npc stat block template

Creatures with class levels do not have this entry. With intelligent solution pairings and helpful insights, it's a whole new way to experience the Cisco portfolio. (Only for creatures with no actual caster levels. Save time with dCloud's curated content collections. Spells: Personal name casts spells as a #th level sorcerer. Other Special Attack of Quality (Ex, Su, Sp): Description. Special Attack or Quality (Ex, Su, or Sp): Description. Skills and Feats: Skill +#, Other Skill +#, Other Skill (skill specific set) +# Feat, Other Feat.

d&d 5e npc stat block template d&d 5e npc stat block template

(maneuverability if applicable) AC #, touch #, flat-footed # ] Atk +# melee ] (#d#+#, attack name) or (other attack types) SA attack type, other attack type SQ quality, other quality AL alignment SV Fort +#, Ref +#, Will +# Str #, Dex #, Con #, Int #, Wis #, Cha #.įluent Languages: Language, Other Language. Personal name, creature name: CR # Size Creature Type (Subtypes) HD #d#+# hp # Init +# Spd # ft., fly(or other modes of movement) # ft.

D&d 5e npc stat block template